
public protocol LoggerOutput

An implementation of logging output. This is the protocol to implement to output logs to your chosen logging system.


Log events for excluded levels will never be passed in to the implementation. Interactions with your logging system’s own log level may need close attention. The expectation at the app level is that if something passes the log filtering of Flint that it will appear in the logs. This is particularly important for Focus where Flint will flip the effective log level to DEBUG to allow all loggic for the focused topics through. If your logging subsystem is set to log level INFO then these log events will not be logged.
  • Called to log a single log event. Implementations must output this to the logging system in an appropriate format. The intention is that every event passed to this function must be included in the log. Flint has already applied log level filtering.



    func log(event: LogEvent)
  • Implement this function to copy the logs produced to files under the path URL. This is used by Flint.gatherReportZip() to obtain a debug report containing all information relating to the user’s situation.



    func copyForArchiving(to path: URL)