
public class DebugReporting

A class for managing the debug reporting options of Flint.

With this class you can generate a debug report ZIP containing all the reports from various subsystems in Flint and also your app.

Flint’s internal features are automatically registered with DebugReporting, but if you need to add any other data to debug reports you can do so by creating your own object that conforms to DebugReportable and register it here with DebugReporting.add(yourReportableThing).

  • Add a new reportable that will be included when generating reports



    public static func add(_ reportable: DebugReportable)
  • Remove a reportable that will no longer be included when generating reports



    public static func remove(_ reportable: DebugReportable)
  • Call to iterate over every reportable that has been registered



    public static func eachReportable(_ block: (_ reportable: DebugReportable) -> Void)
  • Called to generate a ZIP containing the reports from all reportables, stored in a temporary location.

    The caller is responsible for removing the file to free space. The file is in a temporary location but it is undefined when that will be cleared out.



    public static func gatherReportZip(options: Set<DebugReportOption>) -> URL