
open class Product : Hashable, CustomDebugStringConvertible

This type represents information about a product that can be purchased in your app, for use in constraining features to specific products. This is not intended to implement a store client for displaying products and purchasing, but you may extend the types to do this.

This is used by the purchase conditional feature constraint, allowing you to bind Features to one or more Product, so that if the product is purchased, a group of features can become available.


The name and description are primarily used for local debugging. You can use them for your purchase UI in your app but you will need to consider loading the strings for display from a strings bundle using the value of name and description as keys. For StoreKit usage, you need to retrieve the localized price from the App Store. You could do this with a subclass that lazily loads the prices when required.


We use class semantics here so that the app can subclass it to include additional properties as required for the purchasing mechanism they use.

  • The name of the product, for display to the user and debugging. e.g. Premium Subscription. To localise, you’ll want to use a value that is a key you can resolve against a strings bundle, or for StoreKit use the SKProduct localizedName



    public let name: String
  • The description of the product, for display primaroily in debugging UIs. If you want to also show this to users and localise, you’ll want to use a value that is a key you can resolve against a strings bundle, or for StoreKit use the SKProduct localizedDescription



    public let description: String?
  • A product ID used by your purchase subsystem to uniquely identify the product that to be purchased. For Apple App Store / StoreKit you’ll need to use the Product ID you specified when creating the in-app purchase.



    public let productID: String
  • Return the Product instance associated with the product ID.



    public static func productByID(_ id: String) -> Product?
  • The set of all products referenced in purchase requirements declared on features



    public private(set) static var referencedProducts: Set<Product>
  • The set of all products instantiated in the app, some of which may not be referenced by purchase constraints.



    public private(set) static var allProducts: Set<Product>
  • Declaration


    public var debugDescription: String { get }
  • Declaration


    public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher)
  • Declaration


    public static func == (lhs: Product, rhs: Product) -> Bool